LIFT Updates





13/07/2014 Improvements to formatting of printable reports
29/06/2014 Trialing of new Waitlist forms (available to only selected services)
22/06/2014 Trialing of a new routine form (available to only selected services)

Introduction of new drafting tool for observations

Introduction of training & development tools for managers (access open to all but by request only)



Reinstated 'Add Observation' in Portfolios

Added the ability to search for critical and general reflections in observation auditing




Hidden observations now show up in the summary table under Portfolios and MyLIFT




Added the ability to add up to 9 photos per observation


In the MYLIFT:

- Revised My Development to be called "Docs linked to me" and added a new performance planning & development tool called 'My Development'

- Added ability to manage a personal register of training

- Ability to update your own password under "My Info"


In Portfolios:

- Ability for educators to add individual child goals (previously only being able to edit by the administrators in the setup area of LIFT

- EYLF outcome graph updated to show all linked outcomes (not just primary)


Removal of Quality area and spliting up into its two parts (No change to content):

- Docs

- Tasks


Notification of parent comments on programs now active (previously only available on observations)






Added new feature to the Quality "Documents" area: Drills & Inspections. Optimised to work on a mobile device!






New reporting of parent activity in portal (includes new login format & graph in educator portal)






Printable reports updated to show all EYLF outcomes



Reinstated downloading of the Observation Audit report
8/3/2014 Re-enabled the attachment of  a file in observation.  These will easily allow you to upload a larger single image or file.  The resolution is 600 pixels wide (note a typical screen is 700) which should be more than enough for your purposes. 

Added to observations the ability to record other types of goals including:

- individual child goals;

- class goals

- Other frameworks.





High speed images for programs

Optimize and speed up of the programs section (Running at least 10 times faster)

Improvement/Update of the program displays including the slideshows

Ability to now archive connections from your 'Manage Access' tab






Comments for program now also include history of previously added comments for that activity (allows teachers to respond to families



Ability for families to add comments to program activities (these show in the news feed)


High speed image uploading to all Observations (added features are re-size & rotate)


Updated the task reporting to show strategies to complete in the summary & links to QIP

5/6/2013 Upgrade of parent portal including simplifying display of observations and programs
1/6/2013 Auto copy over of existing linked observation details to new experiences

Auto copy over of new linked observation details to new experiences


Broken link in parent portal repaired
Successful entry notice now advised when submitting an observation
Roll out of the new multi-observation entry feature to:  
- the "Create an observation from a program reflection" form
- the "Quick Obs Mobile" form


Roll out of the new multi-observation entry feature to the "Quick Obs" form


Updated Summative Assessment Reports (under transition tab in child's portflio) - better assist with interim educational progress reporting (outside of transition periods).  


Update of the "Quick Obs" forms to include parent primary contact notification and also ability to hide form educational portfolios


Updated the quality portal.  Simplified the QIP reporting feature.  Also added a calendar tool to allow users to display in calendar format, submitted documents.

Added calendar reporting feature to the parents portal.  Feature shows a limited number of document types and does not display 'sensitive'.  Document types displayed are limited to:
- health alerts
- newsletters
- notices
- parent communications
- events
- fact sheets
- forms
- policies
- procedures
- guidance notes
- press releases


We have sped up the process of adding activities and reflections/photos to experiences.  Option now to choose a faster option of adding activities (not linked to 'linked obs' which takes approximately 5 times longer to load) and a option to add quick reflections and photos to activities (again load times approximately 5 times faster than previously).
Updated programs display tab with icon for easy template identification (eliminating numbering system)


Added weblinks to observation reporting


Added EYLF outcome search feature to observation report.  Useful for educators when preparing their transition reports and reviewing previously entered observations.

Added search feature to program planning reports to be able to include or exclude outdoor activities. 


Option to now record a secondary and a tertiary EYLF Outcome.  These are used for reporting purposes on children's portfolios but are not used for reporting on the EYLF graph whose purpose is to show which outcomes were the focus for each learning that has been observed.  


Requirement to login again when accessing the administrators portal no longer required.  Login is seemless accross all areas of LIFT. 


(Where linked) - Full Observation portfolio now includes name of the activity the child's observation was linked to. 

Option now to link an activity to a specific linked observation and child

Fixed duplication issues when duplicating an activity (principles, practices etc. now duplicate)

Improved useability with adding/editing a planned activity form


Option to notify parents when a new observation is entered

Update parent program reporting (from family portal)

Add up to 6 photos per program activity

New program print template (10)

Updated print templates (templates 2 and 3) to allow printing of up to six image per activity


Auditing tool now includes summary graph of observation counts and types


New printing template (9) - Report by key EYLF Outcome


Upgrade of all search features in program display/print templates to allow:

- multi program cycle reporting;
- selection of a single activity; and
- printing of activities active on certain days.


Complete overhaul of the support portal, including addition of:

- frequently asked questions; 
- over 20 new step by step support videos; and
- update support request form. 


Auditing tool now rolls up data into months, allowing user to easily track consistency of submissions

Observation entry and reporting optimised to allow users to add a variety of other special communication documents for families (like routine summaries, menu, daily notes etc.)

Parent portal optimised to allow parents to search by day, or for activities only with photos etc. 


EYLF Graph now shows detailed outcome indicators
13/02/2012 New categories added to activities and searching (eg. age, diversity etc.)

Hide field added to the duplication tab

New feedback survey posted to main screen

Addition of a new LIFT Support tool - allows users to search for answers to common problems and issues.
Addition of "Observed by" to audit report


Addition of thumbnail picture and who observed to Observation report.
29/1/2012 Updated teacher's printable observation portfolio.  Page layout improved, image size increased and milestones reported.

Milestones now only entered if desired (removal of N/A) reporting. 
28/1/2012 Returned consultation feature to parent program portal.  Feature only accessible if service has approved access to community portal.  Further it is important to that data marked as sensitive will not be viewable from the parent portal.  
25/1/2012 Resolved time out issues on drop down menus
1/9/2011 Addition of new reporting by EYLF Outcome, Principle or Practice in the Programs area. 

Addition of a reflection area not viewable from parent portal.  This facilitated revision of parent portal, so detailed activity reflections could be displayed. 
30/8/2011 Addition of a hazard and risk assessment to documents

Reporting of link document/task errors in new quality area resolved

Inclusion of 'Quality' area with linked documents and tasks into one tabbed area - this replaces community/document portal & task portal pages
24/8/2011 Update to include post observation "child input" - add child comments and see comments on detailed reports.

Administration pages now tabbed (& reformatted for easier use)
20/08/2011 Error in Family update details form now fixed

Upgrade of "Programs" (new tabbed navigation implemented).
7/8/2011 Optimised Educators navigation layout within LIFT to match entry page.

Further speed improvements with reduced images sizes on home page and navigation.

'Program Auditing' tool updated with improved layout & option for users to now show children who do not have any observations.
6/8/2011 Improved editing/download speed through replacement of thumbnail image with 'paperclip/s'.  The number of paperclip images also assist by communicating how many images are attached.

Replacement of detailed observation reporting and optimisation of parent view, to only allow printing of individual observations, encouraging parent comments/input to be added (a full report is available when a child leaves a service)
5/8/2011 Update of the transition report (universal template for all states except Victoria)
4/8/2011 Ability to add homepage image tabs to Apple Safari Mobile
1/8/2011 Improved layout (using tabs) of the child portfolio pages
29/7/2011 Improved login/layout to parent access pages.

Upgrade of password recover to facilitate password 'reset' via an emailed link.
25/7/2011 Commencement of upgrade to improve usability with Apple Mobile devices, allowing images to be uploaded outside of the Apple Safari Browser which current does not allow direct image upload.
17/7/2011 Improved user confidence with all encrypted forms rolled into pages where all elements are encrypted (https/padlocked)

Printing issues reported and resolved with IE.  Some issues still remain with reporting using Firefox and chrome. 
27/6/2011 Viewers can now see in both educator and parent portals who has entered observation (previously only viewable in auditing tools).  Memopad & copypad added to quick entry portal.
12/6/2011 Error reported with slideshow tool in Chrome & IE and restored.
5/6/2011 Error on page with delayed deployment of fields in lower observation windows now fixed.
New feature added - duplicate any observation

Improved "Duplicate" program activity form

Improved "Create a child observation from a programmed activity reflection" with a button instead of text link
2/6/2011 Error reported on child folio page - bottom observation folio report and/or new observation entries not automatically updating with new child search
17/5/2011 New 'pop up windows' in the program planning page have been replaced by new window/tab links.  All reported errors resolved. 
15/5/2011 Intermittent error reported with Firefox.  New program activity pop up windows not always opening with scroll bars (same issue reported with IE however IE is not a supported browser).  Also 'copy to plan' error also reported where links Intermittently not working.  Please note the team are working hard to resolve this error and anticipate resolving this issue shortly. 
1/5/2011 New program planning process with pop-up windows.  New feature speeds up the planning process by not forcing a refresh of your main program page and also allows flexible options for searching for new planned activities. 
13/4/2011 Save time with the ability to now add an observation without opening up a child's folio
Advanced search features in program auditing
12/4/2011 New programming slide-show report

New printing program template
13/3/2011 Minor visual/formatting improvements underway
28/2/2011 Major upgrade of the parent portal, including more user friendly login and reporting

Teachers are now automatically notified every time a parent updates a form within the parent portal

All date formatting now Australian (including drop down menus)
4/02/2011 Image upload error resolved on existing observations

Ability to now hide an observation before submitting
2/2/2011 Addition of EYLF teaching principles in teaching reflections for planned activities

Ability to link a photo reflection to an activity

Ability to fully edit already entered activities

Ability to add important room/group information to LIFT including photographs, welcome letters, rosters etc. (all viewable from the parent portal login)
1/12/2010 Program Auditing (Count observations & linked programs for each child in a group)
6/11/2010 New Task Management Portal.  Record & manage
- Long term improvement planning;
- Maintenance;
- Purchase requests;
- Operational Issues. 
21/10/2010 New features in 'individual child' portal:
- to copy a group programmed activity reflection to an observation for an individual child.
- to remove observations. 

New features in 'Program' portal:
- automatic summary of the number of programmed activities for each program. 
12/10/2010 LIFT Quick Start User Guide (pdf) added to support page
11/10/2010 Introduction of  Milestones into LIFT 

7/10/2010 New functionality.  Save time while managing when programming.  Users can now duplicate programmed activities across groups & program cycles. Also when editing a programmed activity this now loads into a new screen, saving reloading time. 
5/10/2010 New Community Forum - consult, share & discuss important documents, issues, updates etc. with staff and families.
Updated printable view of program with a 'family feedback box'
Issues with Administration Portal with the Firefox browser now resolved
4/10/2010         New larger font (14pt. on printable program)

Bugs in new version of IE still causing multiple issues that cannot be resolved at this stage by the LIFT team.  If you do experience errors or issues using IE, we highly recommend you use Google's Chrome which is generally found by most users to be generally more reliable & faster. Another alternative is Mozilla's Firefox which also has an excellent reputation for being stable across many applications on the web.  
30/09/2010 IE (Internet Explorer Browser) - A recent update of IE has meant that on some versions IE are not passing parameters correctly (hence LIFT may not work correctly).  If you are experiencing this issue, we highly recommend that you access LIFT using Google's Chrome.  The LIFT team are currently investigating whether a temporary work around this issue can be implemented until this IE issues is resolved.  We will update again very soon. 
28/09/2010 New button to 'search' for new child
25/09/2010 Family portal now updated with new navigation forms
Programs portal (Teachers) now has a new 'activity observation rubric' tool which can be printed and use to guide teacher observation and reflection during program implementation
We have reviewed, categorised and updated our community activity database up to the letter "I".
Program Cycles and planned activities can not be deleted by users


Live Demo available.  Persons must first be registered with LIFT to use this demo.  Access to the administration area in the demo has been disabled.  Access to the Family area is limited to only one child.



IE Browser auto expanding error of forms fixed



New drop down menus uploaded in all "Teacher Views"


July/August 2010 Updated Raise Learning website live
Early 2010 Revised online site ( completed and testing finished
2008-2009 Development commenced for an online/website based system
2007-2008 LIFT interface developed to facilitate secure password protected and encrypted access via network (both onsite & remotely). Menu planning & advanced reporting added. 
2005-2006 LIFT first developed as an 'in-house' software solution for a large 90 place childcare centre and kindergarten, was a 'Microsoft Office database' tool used for managing key accreditation reporting requirements, as well as recording observations of children, assessing development & input from families